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Why use Divorce Solutions?

When speaking with new clients seeking a divorce, their first question is often “How much is this going to cost?” The answer depends on whom the spouse is using for an attorney. In potentially difficult cases concerning child custody, spousal support (alimony), division of pensions, question of income with self employed businesses, or non marital property, to name a few, the approach of the opposing attorney will determine the cost, both in monetary and  emotional terms.

Advocacy is what most divorce lawyers see as their job and objective. This is a process of arguing for your client position in the best available light. Advocacy does not work to resolve divorces. It only causes more cost, more pain, more time and more long term damage.

A divorce client is often wounded and vulnerable. As a result, their expectations are clouded by the emotions of blame, rejection and well-meaning but sometimes misdirected advice from others as to what they deserve. This can lead to unrealistic expectations. It is difficult to tell a client what they don’t want to hear, and even harder when they have the ability with a retainer, to buy advocacy that fuels unrealistic expectations. Overly zealous advocacy is not good for anyone other than the lawyer who stands to profit most by conflict.

Most cases do not go to trial, but the ones that do often fall victim to this advocacy process and unrealistic expectations, fueled by billable hours. Even the cases that are settled after mediations, judicial settlement conferences and by other means, waste a lot of the time, money and emotion. With few exceptions, divorced clients trying to support two households on the same pool of income do not have this money to spare. More importantly, this flawed system of advocacy in divorces creates unneeded and unhealthy acrimony for years to come.

The solution? Remove harmful advocacy with Divorce Solutions on a flat fee schedule.

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